Top 10 Reasons Animal Testing Should Be Banned

Top 10 Reasons Animal Testing Should Be Banned
Top 10 Reasons Animal Testing Should Be Banned

Top 10 Reasons Animal Testing Should Be Banned

Whether or not products for human use should be tested on animals before proceeding to full scale human trials is one of the most emotive subjects ever to be debated.  People on both sides of the fence have very strong views.  Some argue that there is no price to be put on human suffering and that the benefits of animal testing outweigh the negatives (indeed there is a Listland list that sets out the various arguments in favor of animal testing).  Other people feel, very strongly, that there is no possible justification

for the suffering caused by animal testing and that it is, in any event, an outdated and inaccurate method of evaluating drugs for human use.

We have taken the opportunity to list here, in answer to the other list on this site, the 10 reasons why the author of that article is wrong and why animal testing is not only cruel but also inefficient, expensive and dangerous.  After reading this article we hope that you will agree with us that it is time to end this outmoded, appalling practice for good.

10Animal Testing Causes Unimaginable Suffering

Animal testing causes horrible suffering

9Animal Testing Is Cruel And Debases Humanity

Animal testing should be banned because it is cruel.

8Most Animals Used In Tests Are Not Covered By The Animal Welfare Act

Animal testing destroys animal families.

7The Results Of Animal Tests Are Not Reliable

Apes aren’t people. Ban animal testing.

6Many Animal Tests Are Horribly Flawed And Inaccurate

Animal testing should be banned because it is flawed.

5The Results Of Animal Tests Are Not A Direct Analogy For The Impact On Humans

Mouse livers are way different and not good analogs for humans. Ban animal testing!

4The Results Of Animal Tests May Lead To Potentially Life Saving Or Improving Drugs Being Ignored For Human Use.

Focusing on animal testing may result in missing out on important drug discoveries.

3Animal Testing May Lead To Researchers Believing That Dangerous Substances Are Safe For Human Use.

Animal testing should be banned because it may cause researchers to believe that dangerous substances are safe.

2Animal Tests Are Hugely Expensive

Animal testing should be banned because it is so expensive.

1There Are Now Alternatives To Animal Testing That Render Its Use Obsolete

Viable alternative exists and animal testing is not needed and should be banned.